Thursday 8 January 2009

Environmental Awareness at school

Although we're consuming precious fossil fuels and wasting energy in the excess heat we produce, the school is planning to raise environmental awareness in the community this winter. Already in the dorms we have stickers above the light switches reminding people to turn off the lights and the students are already outraged at the mere mention of the phrases, "Meatless Monday" and "Tray less Tuesday". But the real eco-friendly initiatives won't start until later in the winter. By then the school will have hopefully begun its compost pile, its recycling program, and its dorm water consumption competition. An extra initiative that I plan to take is to pick up more trash around campus. Earlier this year, I chose to ignore trash left on the grounds and around the dorms because I wanted the students to see what a littered campus looks like. But that was a stupid idea because the grounds keeping staff provides a practically 24 hour sweeping service. But I do think that these initiatives are truly going to spread some much needed environmental awareness around campus this winter.

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