Friday, 6 February 2009

Jinn and Eve

Not only does Islam have humans made from earth and angels made from light, but also jinn made from fire. Unlike angels, God created jinn and humans to have free will. I believe that there are good jinn as well as bad jinn but that they are both invisible to humans. However they do influence human behavior, just in unseen ways. A well-known jinn in Islam is Iblise. The story that our instructor told us is that God created Iblise before Adam but that God asked Iblise to bow to Adam (I think because God chose Adam to inherit the earth and chose to test him in this role). When Iblise refused to bow to Adam God banished him to hell. Shortly afterwards, however, Iblise got his revenge on Adam by tricking him and Eve (Howwa) into eating the forbidden fruit. I should note here that our instructor told us explicitly that Iblise tricked Adam and Eve in unseen ways and that it was ABSOLUTELY not "Eve's Fault".

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