Tuesday 16 September 2008

On Morning Meetings

To help give its students the right start to their mornings, the school holds an all-school meeting at 7:55 everyday before first period classes. Not only do the meetings allow students to slowly settle into the rhythm of the school day but they also make the choice to eat breakfast a lot easier. Students have to wake up early for all-school meetings and therefore might as well sit down for a quick breakfast. The only down side to this is, of course, that students don't have many opportunities to sleep in on weekday mornings. In fact, the only weekday on which they can possibly sleep in is Tuesday, when the all-school meeting is held in the afternoon instead of the morning. Now, an all-school meeting usually begins with either the headmaster or the dean of students talking about an event or issue from the day before. For example, the dean or headmaster might thank a group of students for having helped with a task the day before. While the dean of students and other faculty members sits in the back or front of the auditorium, the headmaster sits right on stage with a microphone conducting the meeting. He first calls on faculty who would like to make announcements and then moves on to students. The meeting finally ends at about 8:15 when Dr. Eric usually gives the school a thought for the day.

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